Turkey Creek to build up maintenance fund, explore community service


With the Turkey Creek utility fund being in excess of $100,000, Mayor Phillip Cavins told the village council that activates a clause in an ordinance adopted last year to transfer $2,500 a month into a maintenance fund.
“We’ll start building that reserve fund in case a well meter goes out or we have to do any work,” he said. “That way it won’t come out of our operations account.”
The amount in the utility funds comes after the council voted to raise the utility rates last year.
Later in the meeting, Chief of Police Shawn Eckhart reported to the council about the possibility of creating a community service program.
“There are some people who just fall on hard times,” the chief said.
The program would be available for offenders who receive a general citation such as a speeding ticket.
“If we were to have a community service program,” said the chief, “it could be an alternative to the fines or, at least, a way to reduce some of the fines and give them another option to get that citation taken care of.”
Village Attorney Greg Vidrine stated it is up to the mayor if he wishes to impose a sentence of community service in lieu of fines or court costs. He went on to state an officer supervising any community service work that is being done, unless the work is being done at a church or an approved non-profit organization.
In other business, the council voted to authorize the utility department to take possession and use of a Ford-150 that was donated to the police department by the St. James Parish Sheriff’s Department.