Public is invited to Teacher of the Year Gala

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Evangeline Parish School District invites the public to help celebrate its Teacher of the Year Gala during a candlelight ceremony on Tuesday, May 7, at Ville Platte High School’s auditorium at 5:30 p.m. This year’s theme is “2024 Star Teachers SHINE (Soar High In Nurturing Excellence).” Attendees will honor 20 Teachers of the Year (TOYs) including 17 TOY school winners, two regional TOY candidates (Jennifer Beth Brown and Hari Krishna Prasad Oruganti), one state semi-finalist (Jessica Marie Capseta) and principals. Cash donations of $19,700 with be given to the 20 special TOY honorees.
Cabot Corporation $3,500
Associated Professional
Educators of LA (A+PEL)
Pine Prairie Energy
Center $2,100
Evangeline Bank $1,000
Vidrine Ace Hardware $750
LAS Fire and Safety
Company $750
Modern Technology
First Student $700
Hancock Whitney
Bank $500
Investar Bank $500
Sheriff Charles
Guillory $500
Tri Parish Electrical
Supply $500
Association of
(LAE) $400
Bob Manuel Electric
Thomas Construction
Kyle Spears of Tri-
Air Farms $300
Thibodeaux Electric
Service of
Lawtell $250
J Ronald Landreneau
and Associates $250
Cleco $250
Louisiana Alligator
Processors, Inc.
Dirk Deville $150
Guaranty Glass $50
Walmart Gift card
Ville Platte Gazette -
One Year
Subscription for the
District Winners
Evangeline Parish
School District:
Two Teacher of the
Year Regional
One Teacher of the
Year State Semi-
Finalist $4,100
The Community of Unity choir will harmonize and SHINE with a special rendition of “This Little Light of Mine.” Singers who will SOAR like angels on wings will consist of Sherral Tezeno, Tone Tezeno, Pastor Allen Ben, Carlene Bellard, Dafnee Chatman, Cheri Fontenot, Angela Freeman, Leroy Freeman, Andrew Hickerson, Orlandar Jack, Vanessa Lafleur, Justina Lazard, Mike Lombas, Toddra McKinney, Damien Pappion, Chenile Tezeno, Pastor Jermaine Tezeno, Connie Thomas, and Dwayne Thomas. A dedicatory solo will be rendered by Carlene Bellard to the 20 Teachers of the Year. Toddra McKinney will deliver a special tribute in song to all past and present workers in Evangeline Parish School District: teachers, principals, para-educators, supervisors, secretaries, custodians, bus drivers, cooks, etc. School board members will actively participate in the TOY candlelight gala.
During this celebratory event, all attendees will receive joyful souvenirs of lighted star wands, sunglasses that blink, big idea pins, and gloves that glow! After the ceremony, all are invited to dine and rejoice at Cajun Catfish and Steakhouse for $17 a plate. Superintendent Darwan Lazard invites all community members to mark their calendars and spread the word for all to unite in song, tribute, and fellowship to celebrate educational excellence and make the evening a night to remember as the air is filled with love and light.
Anyone desiring to contribute toward the TOY cash awards for recipients is requested to call, Grace Vidrine Sibley, Teacher of the Year Coordinator, at (337) 831-2001.