Minister’s Corner: Showing compassion

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Member of the Ville Platte
Ministerial Alliance

Most people believe it is important to show compassion to those who are less fortunate. James 1:27 (KJV) states, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” Another translation reads, “Here’s what God considers to be at the heart of true spirituality. To look after and care for orphans and widows in their distress.” I don’t believe anybody would argue with that. Of course, it’s the right thing to do. Of course, God wants us to show compassion to people who are hurting and lonely and in need. We come to church and hear the words Jesus spoke about feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and visiting the imprisoned. and helping the poor. But the fact is, we can leave a service and all we felt so deeply about moments before can vanish in seconds. All it involves is getting back in the routine of living.
We need to be involved personally in showing God’s compassion to people. Look around you, there are hurting people everywhere. You might ask, “What can I do to help? I’m just one insignificant person.” Well, at work, you can take the time to help a colleague through a rough patch. You can be observant, say at the mall, and lend a helping hand to a disabled person who might be in an awkward situation. You can show compassion by giving a child some extra love and attention. In this way, you become doers of the Word and not bearers only. You just need to be open to the opportunity when it arrives. You won’t have to look far, but you will have to look.