At the Library

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Information about the upcoming Rededication Tax Election that will impact the library system around the parish is available on our website (, however, because not everyone has access to the internet or are able to visit a library, I’ll share the information in this article one question at a time. Here is the first of the four primary questions. Question 1: What impact would this rededication have on my taxes?
A vote for the rededication of .62 mills of the library’s dedicated 5.3 mill tax would be a vote to split the tax into 4.68 mills for the library and .62 mills for the criminal justice facilities and operations in the parish. The total tax levied on your property(ies) would remain 5.3 mills—no change overall.
A vote against the rededication of .62 mills of the library’s dedicated 5.3 mill tax would be a vote to keep the library’s tax the same at 5.3 mills and not rededicate any portion of the 5.3 mills to criminal justice facilities and operations in the parish. Again, the total tax levied would remain 5.3 mills—no change overall.
Note that neither choice raises or lowers the overall 5.3 mills levied. The amount the taxpayer pays does not change. What changes or remains the same is how the 5.3 mills is allocated.
Next Sunday I will post Question 2 with its response: What impact would this rededication if passed have upon the library?
On Wednesday, February 23, the Mystery Book Club will meet at 10:30 a.m. to discuss its new book, “The Maidens” by Alex Michaelides. New members are always welcome!
For our young patrons who drop by to pick up “Take & Make” craft bags at the main library in Ville Platte, we now ask that 10 books be checked out to receive the crafts. We are beginning this requirement as a way to encourage kids to explore the variety of books on our shelves.
For more information call the main library at 337-363-1369 or email Visit our Facebook page for all upcoming events in addition to our webpage and never forget that libraries do change lives.... even in the cloud! Suzy Lemoine, Outreach Coordinator.