Heritage Manor News: September events

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(Editor’s Note: The following article was submitted by Patricia Duplechin, resident activity director at Heritage Manor Nursing Home in Ville Platte. This column runs every Sunday in The Gazette.)
September marks the beginning of fall. It also holds important national holidays, including Labor Day and Patriot Day, which honors and remembers those who were killed in the September 11, 2001, attacks. It also includes religious observances, cultural events and many days dedicated to food and drink. Needless to say, you will find September holidays that speak to your identity, background and stomach. It recognizes baby safety month, suicide prevention month and assisted living month. The Jewish new year is celebrated on September 25. A Chinese holiday that honors the moon happens on September 10. It is actually associated with fall activities, such as back to school events and apple picking time. One of the most famous events is Grandparents Day, which falls on September 11th this year.
The staff of Heritage Manor welcomes Wydenlyn LaHaye, Steven Vidrine and Dolora Matte to the facility.
The staff of Heritage Manor sends get well wishes to all of our loved ones in the hospital.
The staff of Heritage Manor sends its deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Brenda Vidrine and Paul Ardoin.
The staff of Heritage Manor wishes a Happy Birthday this week to Steven Vidrine, Harry McGee, Joseph Vidrine and Martin Bailey.
Many thanks to the VVA for renewing its annual donation for monthly resident bingo games.
Thank you to Mable Foreman for being the guest speaker at our family council meeting and to the family members who attended the meeting.