Heritage Manor News: The meaning of Christmas/carols

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(Editor’s Note: The following article was submitted by Patricia Duplechin, resident activity director at Heritage Manor Nursing Home in Ville Platte. This column runs every Sunday in The Gazette.)
Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25, as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. It is also called Noel, X-mas and Nativity. Roman Catholic churches have increasingly held Christmas candlelight services late in the evening on December 24.
A Christmas carol is a carol on the theme of Christmas and is traditionally sung at Christmas time itself or during the surrounding Christmas holiday season. The term Noel has sometimes been used, especially for carols of French origin. Some of the most famous carols are Silent Night, Little Drummer Boy, O Come All Ye Faithful and the 12 Days of Christmas.
We have started collecting gifts for our residents to distribute at their Christmas party. If you are interested in adopting a resident for gift giving, please call and ask for the activity department.
The staff of Heritage Manor wishes a Happy Birthday this week to Merwin Whittington and Helen Lafleur.
The staff of Heritage Manor sends get well wishes to all of our loved ones in the hospital.
The staff of Heritage Manor welcomes Margery Soileau and Monica Lloyd to the facility.
Congratulations to our Resident and Employee of the Month for December. Mark Fusilier is the Resident of the Month and Katina Watson (LPN) is the Employee of the Month.
Many thanks to all students at the various schools for the contributions to our residents.