Heritage Manor News: Gift giving for the elderly

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(Editor’s Note: The following article was submitted by Patricia Duplechin, resident activity director at Heritage Manor Nursing Home in Ville Platte. This column runs every Sunday in The Gazette.)
The holidays are a time of good will and expressing appreciation for others. It is sometimes awkward to buy a gift for someone you do not know well. When giving gifts, you should aim to spend an amount you are comfortable with. Most people are not concerned with the monetary value of the gift. The thought that goes along with the gift is typically more meaningful.
On the receiving end, if you get a gift, even if you don’t give one in return, always show your appreciation, regardless of whether you like it or not. When sending a gift to an elderly person, keep in mind their limited space to store things. They appreciate items they can use on a daily basis, such as clothing, snacks, religious articles or personal hygiene items.
There is not a set amount to spend, so feel free to choose your price range. If you are interested in giving to our residents, please call for more information and the deadline to turn in the gift.
The staff of Heritage Manor wishes a Happy Birthday this week to Runnie Matte, Helen Lafleur and Mary Ann Fontenot.
The staff of Heritage Manor welcomes Rose Frey to the facility.
The staff of Heritage Manor sends get well wishes to all of our loved ones in the hospital.
Many thanks this week to Ville Platte Home Health, Grace Home Health, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Catholic Daughters and Karen Perron for the generous bingo donations.