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Dear Sir the Editor:

Should this letter be of interest, curiosity, or crucial to the times we live in for those in the business of public news, I would consider it a generous thing if you are open to receipt of a report of my unfortunate experience in Ville Platte, a block or less off Main Street in the early evening when it was still well daylight.
I had stopped for a minute on my scooter, my only means of transportation that is the only thing I can afford as vehicles go-- a near indigent senior citizen of age 67-- across from the Exxon Station at the corner of Chataignier Road and Main Street, when a Black kid who didn’t look to be yet 20 years of age, whipped around the corner out of the alley and held a gun to my head with shaky hand and demanded the keys to the scooter yelling threatening epithets. I figured in a quick impulse that the keys to the scooter, and the scooter too, aren’t worth a hole in my forehead, so I complied immediately, and he ran off on my scooter. My cell phone and other personal belongings under the seat of the scooter were also stolen.
This is quite a blow for a senior citizen fairly new to the Ville Platte area that I certainly never expected here, a grim surprise and I guess a narrow escape from what could have been far worse.
Only to remind those who may be a bit removed from what happens in Louisiana towns, Acadia towns, as if we are to take it for granted and forget it- till we are the victims of it.

William Gillette