Fire Chief Chris Harrison plans to recommend hiring a firefighter


Fire Chief Chris Harrison, during the board meeting of the Evangeline Parish Fire Protection District Number Two for Ward 1 reported that he plans on asking the City of Ville Platte to hire a new firefighter and that he went through the process outlined by Civil Service.
“I did what Civil Service said I should do,” he said. “I interviewed the people that wanted to interview. It was only one local, and the people from away didn’t seem like they were interested in staying here. They seemed they would use us as a stepping stone. We would be paying them for nothing, so I plan on recommending Zachary Johnson to the City.”
The board agreed to pay half of the cost for Johnson to attend the academy if he is hired by the City.
Chief Harrison also reported that the new unit for the Chataignier station will be picked up next Thursday.
In other business, the board voted to put keypad locks at all the fire stations in the district.