Heritage Manor News: Daylight Savings Time begins

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(Editor’s Note: The following article was submitted by Patricia Duplechin, resident activity director at Heritage Manor Nursing Home in Ville Platte. This column runs every Sunday in The Gazette.)
Daylight Savings Time begins today at 2 a.m. All clocks are turned forward by one hour to “spring forward.” The only parts of the United States that do not observe Daylight Savings Time are Hawaii, most of Arizona, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.
It is designed to have more daylight for the evenings and less for the mornings. In the United States, Daylight Savings Time starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. It was first used in 1908 in Thunder Bay, Canada.
Thursday, March 17, is St. Patrick’s Day. This day commemorates the arrival of St. Patrick and Christianity in Ireland. It celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals. This is a day to wear green clothing or a shamrock.
The staff of Heritage Manor wishes a Happy Birthday this week to Roberta Lafleur.
The staff of Heritage Manor welcomes Belva Hampton to the facility.
The staff of Heritage Manor sends get well wishes to all of our loved ones in the hospital.
Activities this week include group exercise, bedside rosary tapes, beauty shop, snack wagon, bean bag toss, manicures, ball toss, library, bingo, and an auction sponsored by Grace Home Health.
Many thanks this week to VFW Post #3803, Bonnes Nouvelles, Ville Platte Home Health, Karen Perron, and LHC Hospice for their continued support of bingo games for the residents.